full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Amy Smith: Simple designs to save a life

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Now one of the raeosns why there are so few trees is this: people need to cook, and they harvest wood and they make charcoal in order to do it. It's not that people are innorgat to the environmental damage. They know perfectly well, but they have no other choice. Fossil felus are not available, and solar energy doesn't cook the way that they like their food prepared. And so this is what they do. You'll find families like this who go out into the forest to find a tree, cut it down and make charcoal out of it. So not surprisingly, there's a lot of efroft that's been done to look at avlianettre cooking fuels.

Open Cloze

Now one of the _______ why there are so few trees is this: people need to cook, and they harvest wood and they make charcoal in order to do it. It's not that people are ________ to the environmental damage. They know perfectly well, but they have no other choice. Fossil _____ are not available, and solar energy doesn't cook the way that they like their food prepared. And so this is what they do. You'll find families like this who go out into the forest to find a tree, cut it down and make charcoal out of it. So not surprisingly, there's a lot of ______ that's been done to look at ___________ cooking fuels.


  1. effort
  2. reasons
  3. alternative
  4. fuels
  5. ignorant

Original Text

Now one of the reasons why there are so few trees is this: people need to cook, and they harvest wood and they make charcoal in order to do it. It's not that people are ignorant to the environmental damage. They know perfectly well, but they have no other choice. Fossil fuels are not available, and solar energy doesn't cook the way that they like their food prepared. And so this is what they do. You'll find families like this who go out into the forest to find a tree, cut it down and make charcoal out of it. So not surprisingly, there's a lot of effort that's been done to look at alternative cooking fuels.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
cooking fuel 6
cow dung 3
cooking fires 2
cleaner burning 2
million deaths 2
alternative cooking 2
sticky porridge 2
charcoal briquettes 2
health impacts 2
wood charcoal 2
fetching water 2
poor farmers 2

Important Words

  1. alternative
  2. charcoal
  3. choice
  4. cook
  5. cooking
  6. cut
  7. damage
  8. effort
  9. energy
  10. environmental
  11. families
  12. find
  13. food
  14. forest
  15. fossil
  16. fuels
  17. harvest
  18. ignorant
  19. lot
  20. order
  21. people
  22. perfectly
  23. prepared
  24. reasons
  25. solar
  26. surprisingly
  27. tree
  28. trees
  29. wood